Komora veterinárních lékařů České republiky

KVL ČR byla založena zákonem 381 České národní rady ze dne 11. září 1991 o Komoře veterinárních lékařů ČR, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.

Veterinary conditions for the horses entering from Ukraine to the territory of the Czech Republic due to an emergency situation

For the purpose of the protection of the territory of the Czech Republic against intrusion of rabies (the Czech Republic has been free from rabies since the year 2004), the owners/other persons shall:

In order to protect the territory of the Czech Republic from the introduction of certain dangerous diseases, persons responsible for horses from Ukraine must contact the territorially competent Regional Veterinary Administration, inform them about horses whereabouts (address of stables, destination) and in cooperation with Veterinary Administration fulfill the following requirements. Person responsible must:

  • immediately after entering Czech Republic place horses in 30 days quarantine at the place of the destination (quarantine means an area separated from other animals and animals being under constant supervision of the owner/other person);
  • secure regular, daily checks of health condition during quarantine and keep records of the checks;
  • arrange a clinical examination of the animal by a private veterinarian within 72 hours after entering the stables to determine whether the horse is showing clinical signs of infectious diseases;
  • submit to the territorially competent Regional Veterinary Administration documents about the origin and health condition of the horses, if available;
  • ensure the identification of the horse according to applicable legislation;if the identification is not possible, the horse will be chipped;
  • ensure the collection of a blood sample earliest on the 14th day and latest on the 21st day of quarantine and its examination for equine infectious anemia, dourine and malleus at the State Veterinary Institute. The horse must be identified before sampling;
  • ensure repeated clinical examination of the animal done by a private veterinarian between the 27th and 30th day of quarantine. If the animal is not showing any clinical signs of infectious disease and the results of examinations are satisfactory, the quarantine will be terminated by territorially competent regional veterinary administration;
  • ensure that the horse is not used for any type of breeding during quarantine;
  • register the horse in the IZR database before the end of quarantine for the purpose of identification; this does not apply to horses staying in Czech Republic temporarily.

In case the horse shows symptoms of an infectious disease during the quarantine, the owner/other person is must immediately arrange clinical examination by a private veterinarian or to inform the Regional Veterinary Administration.