Komora veterinárních lékařů České republiky

KVL ČR byla založena zákonem 381 České národní rady ze dne 11. září 1991 o Komoře veterinárních lékařů ČR, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.

Registration Fees in Vancouver

Registration Fees in Vancouver

The Congress will be hosted in the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre, which has established itself as one of North America’s leading international congress venues. It is situated just a few blocks away from the city centre and is within easy walking distance of Stanley Park and historic Gastown. Registration Fees (All fees in Canadian Dollars)

Registration Type
On or before
4 April 2008
On or before
6 June 2008
6 June 2008
Members* of WVA
$ 680.00
$ 780.00
$ 880.00
$ 880.00
$ 980.00
$ 1,080.00
Veterinary Technicians, Industry Attendees (Managers, Support Staff etc.)
$ 440.00
$ 510.00
$ 580.00
Other: Students, Developing Nations, Officers
Students**/Developing Nations – Members of WVA*
$ 170.00
$ 195.00
$ 220.00
Students**/Developing Nations – Non-Member
$ 215.00
$ 245.00
$ 275.00
President’s, Vice-Presidents, Past Presidents, Officers, Honorary Members of WVA
$ 175.00
$ 200.00
$ 225.00
Single Day
Members of WVA*
$ 340.00
$ 390.00
$ 440.00
$ 420.00
$ 485.00
$ 550.00
Veterinary Technicians
$ 220.00
$ 255.00
$ 290.00
Students**/Developing Nations – Members of WVA*
$ 80.00
$ 100.00
$ 120.00
Students**/Developing Nations – Non-Member
$ 110.00
$ 130.00
$ 150.00
Accompanying Persons
Accompanying Persons
Incl. Welcome Reception, Opening Ceremony & Exhibit Hall Access
$ 260.00
$ 280.00
$ 300.00